python dict底层实现_一入python深似海--dict(字典)的一种实现

def Map(num_buckets=256):

"""Initializes a Map with the given number of buckets."""

aMap = []

for i in range(0, num_buckets):


return aMap

def Map_hash(aMap, key):

"""Given a key this will create a number and then convert it to

and index for the aMap's buckets."""

return hash(key) % len(aMap)

def Map_get_bucket(aMap, key):

"""Given a key, find the bucket where it would go."""

bucket_id = Map_hash(aMap, key)

return aMap[bucket_id]

def Map_get_slot(aMap, key, default=None):

"""Returns the index, key, and value of a slot found in a bucket."""

bucket = Map_get_bucket(aMap, key)

for i, kv in enumerate(bucket):#bucket=[[k1,v1],[k2,v2],...]

k, v = kv

if key == k:

return i, k, v#ex1:i=0,k=k1,v=v1

return -1, key, default

def Map_get(aMap, key, default=None):

"""Gets the value in a bucket for the given key, or the default."""

i, k, v = Map_get_slot(aMap, key, default=default)

return v

def Map_set(aMap, key, value):

"""Sets the key to the value, replacing any existing value."""

bucket = Map_get_bucket(aMap, key)

i, k, v = Map_get_slot(aMap, key)

if v:

bucket[i] = (key, value)#key/value pair


bucket.append((key, value))

def Map_delete(aMap, key):

"""Deletes the given key from the Map."""

bucket = Map_get_bucket(aMap, key)

for i in xrange(len(bucket)):

k, v = bucket[i]

if key == k:

del bucket[i]


def Map_list(aMap):

"""Prints out what's in the Map."""

for bucket in aMap:

if bucket:

for k, v in bucket:

print k, v

# The tests that it will work.

jazz = Map()

Map_set(jazz, 'Miles Davis', 'Flamenco Sketches')

# confirms set will replace previous one

Map_set(jazz, 'Miles Davis', 'Kind Of Blue')

Map_set(jazz, 'Duke Ellington', 'Beginning To See The Light')

Map_set(jazz, 'Billy Strayhorn', 'Lush Life')

print "---- List Test ----"


print "---- Get Test ----"

print Map_get(jazz, 'Miles Davis')

print Map_get(jazz, 'Duke Ellington')

print Map_get(jazz, 'Billy Strayhorn')

print "---- Delete Test ----"

print "** Goodbye Miles"

Map_delete(jazz, "Miles Davis")


print "** Goodby Duke"

Map_delete(jazz, "Duke Ellington")


print "** Goodbye Billy"

Map_delete(jazz, "Billy Strayhorn")


print "** Goodbye Pork Pie Hat"

Map_delete(jazz, "Charles Mingus")


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