Arkime Capture 模块

Capture is a multithreaded glib2 application


In general capture tries to not use locks for anything but queues when communicating between threads.
When possible we use read only complex data structures shared across threads.
When those data structures need to be updated we create a new one and replace the old one, which is scheduled to be freed at a later time (moloch_free_later) so any current readers don’t crash.


The main thread, all http requests are on the main thread.
Since sessions aren’t locked, any sessions actions need to be added to the packet threads.


Simple thread that just calculates all the stats occasionally and sends to ES.


The packet threads controlled by packetThreads.
These threads are responsible for processing packets that are passed to it in batches.
Sessions are hashed across packet threads and all packets are processed by where the session is.
Any operations to a session has to happen in the packet thread since sessions don’t have locks.
Use moloch_session_add_cmd to schedule a session task from a different thread.


When using the libpcap reader a thread is created for each interface.
These threads are responsible for reading in the packets and batch adding them to the packet threads.


When using the afpacket reader a thread is created for each interface * tpacketv3NumThreads
These threads are responsible for reading in the packets and batch adding them to the packet threads.


A single thread that is responsible for writing out to disk the completed pcap buffers.


Parsers vs Plugins

In reality there isn’t much difference between parsers and plugins, other than when they are loaded and when they are initialized.


Anything in the parsers directories (parsersDir) are auto loaded and the moloch_parser_init function is called when loaded.
If files have the same in multiple directories, capture will load the first one found.


Which plugins to use have to be explicitly listed in rootPlugins and plugins variables.
They are loaded from the plugins directories (pluginsDir) and the moloch_plugin_init function is called when loaded.
If files have the same in multiple directories, capture will load the first one found.
The rootPlugins are loaded first, before capture has dropped privileges.
The normal plugins are loaded after the parsers.

Creating new parsers

Packets have two phases of life and many parsers will need to deal with both phases.
The first phase runs on the reader thread and should do very basic parsing and validation of the packet.
The second phase runs on the packet thread and does whatever decoding and SPI data generation needs to be done.

Ethernet/IP Enqueue phase

This phase is responsible for

  • basic decoding and verification of the packet
  • setting the mProtocol field with the moloch protocol
  • setting the hash field with the hash of the session id

You only need to create a new enqueue callback for special ethernet and ip protocols, which can be set with the moloch_packet_set_ethernet_cb and moloch_packet_set_ip_cb…
Normal TCP/UDP traffic should NOT set an enqueue callback.

Ethernet/IP Process phase

This phase is responsible for actually processing the packets and generating the SPI data.
You only need to create new process callbacks for special ethernet and ip protocols.
The callbacks are set with the moloch_mprotocol_register

moloch_mprotocol_register (char *name, int ses, create_session_id, pre_process, process)

  • name - the name of this protocol
  • ses - the SESSION_* type, usually SESSION_OTHER
  • create_session_id - required - Given a packet, fill in the session id
  • pre_process - required - called before saving/rules. Given the session, packet, isNewSession - can be used to set any initial SPI data fields or packet direction
  • process - optional - called after saving to disk and rules. Should generate most of the SPI data or enqueue for higher level protocol decoding. Returns if the packet should be freed or not yet.
  • free - optional - called when the session is being freed

TCP/UDP parsing

TCP/UDP parsing and classification is a two step process.

  • Classify - Look
  • Parsing -

define moloch_parsers_register

#define moloch_parsers_classifier_register_tcp
#define moloch_parsers_classifier_register_udp

#define moloch_parsers_classifier_register_port

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