map除去空值java_java – 具有空键和空值的HashMap


import java.util.*;

class Employee {

String name;

public Employee(String nm) {;



public class HashMapKeyNullValue {

Employee e1;

public void display(){

Employee e2=null;

Map map=new HashMap();

map.put(e2, "25");

System.out.println("Getting the Value When e2 is set as KEY");

System.out.println("e2 : "+map.get(e2));

System.out.println("e1 : "+map.get(e1));

System.out.println("null : "+map.get(null));

map.put(e1, "");

System.out.println("Getting the Value when e1 is set as KEY");

System.out.println("e2 : "+map.get(e2));

System.out.println("e1 : "+map.get(e1));

System.out.println("null : "+map.get(null));

map.put(null, null); // null as key and null as value

System.out.println("Getting the Value when setting null as KEY and null as value");

System.out.println("e2 : "+map.get(e2));

System.out.println("e1 : "+map.get(e1));

System.out.println("null : "+map.get(null));

map.put(null, "30");

System.out.println("Getting the Value when setting only null as KEY");

System.out.println("e2 : "+map.get(e2));

System.out.println("e1 : "+map.get(e1));

System.out.println("null : "+map.get(null));


public static void main(String[] args) {

new HashMapKeyNullValue().display();




Getting the Value When e2 is set as KEY

e2 : 25

e1 : 25

null : 25

Getting the Value when e1 is set as KEY

e2 :

e1 :

null :

Getting the Value when setting null as KEY and null as value

e2 : null

e1 : null

null : null

Getting the Value when setting only null as KEY

e2 : 30

e1 : 30

null : 30


由于所有三个看起来都不同,一个值的变化会改变另一个.这是否意味着只有一个密钥条目被赋予HashMap e1,e2或null,因为所有条目都被视为相同的密钥.

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