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(base) ergou@dell:~/Desktop/paper_reading/papers$ pdfgrep -n -i 'cosine' *.pdf
paper0.pdf:22:in VSM or BoW, are compared using similarity measure like Cosine similarity (Vu et al.
paper1.pdf:1:space. Given their vector embeddings, we then use cosine
paper1.pdf:3:first tokenizes the input text and then calculates vectors for                     to average them as the cosine similarity function depends
paper1.pdf:3:or tf-idf, these vectors are contextualized; they consider                   choice of summing or averaging would not influence the cosine
paper1.pdf:3:and problem report as a potential match. Another positive                      the euclidian similarity, and cosine similarity [9], [43]. The
paper1.pdf:4:dimensions. In contrast, the cosine similarity measures the
paper1.pdf:4:Previous research [1][3], [9], showed that cosine similarity                                          05/2012              09/2018
paper1.pdf:5:analyze DeepMatcher's cosine similarity values to understand
paper1.pdf:5:consuming over 80% battery. Had to uninstall to even                       cosine similarity, it added one additional suggestion per step
paper1.pdf:6:as many relevant bug reports in the issue tracker as                                 Cosine Similarity Analysis. We analyzed the cosine sim­
paper1.pdf:6:as many relevant bug reports in the issue tracker as                                 Cosine Similarity Analysis. We analyzed the cosine sim­
paper1.pdf:6:suggested bug reports to three, the MAP score                                    irrelevant bug report suggestions. Figure 4 shows the cosine
paper1.pdf:6:of problem reports for which DeepMatcher                                            We found that VLC has the lowest cosine similarity score
paper1.pdf:6:the MAP and the hit ratio scores for each                                    (26 matches). The lower cosine similarity indicates a higher
paper1.pdf:7:by the developers. our previously reported plot of the cosine                     report 546 days after the corresponding problem report for
paper1.pdf:7:the highest cosine similarity score and highest noun overlap                          It is essential for app developers to address users'
paper1.pdf:11:sensitive embeddings on which we applied cosine similarity to                     [15] M. Honnibal, I. Montani, S. Van Landeghem, and A.
paper2.pdf:3:encoding implies computing ?? based on sine and cosine functions.                   (other formulas stay the same):
paper2.pdf:6:the cosine learning rate schedule [25] with 2000 warm-up steps              Utilizing structure in the self-attention mechanism is much more
paper3.pdf:6:as an abstraction candidate.                         iTrust’s 54 use cases), we first compute the cosine similarity
paper3.pdf:6:cosine(abst, R) =           cosine(abst, ri ).             (5)
paper3.pdf:6:cosine(abst, R) =           cosine(abst, ri ).             (5)
paper3.pdf:7:candidates by their cosine similarity scores in a descending                      OpenMRS allows for customizable electronic
Generating Question Titles for Stack Overflow from Mined Code Snippets.pdf:5:and then uses a cosine similarity function to calculate their similarity. Allamanis et al. [2] proposed
paper4.pdf:6:      “burnout”> is identified as an abstraction candidate.                       iTrust’s 54 use cases), we first compute the cosine similarity
paper4.pdf:6:                                                                                               cosine(abst, R) =           cosine(abst, ri ).             (5)
paper4.pdf:6:                                                                                               cosine(abst, R) =           cosine(abst, ri ).             (5)
paper4.pdf:7:candidates by their cosine similarity scores in a descending     OpenMRS allows for customizable electronic medical record
paper5.pdf:7:manner. We compute the cosine similarity between the two              Considering complex and confusing
paper6.pdf:2:of semantically similar user comments                                                    to generate embeddings that are close in terms of their cosine
paper7.pdf:5:from identifier ?? of type T, and replacing the abbreviation with its           two abbreviations based on the cosine similarity [3] of the resulting
paper7.pdf:11:conclusions in future, however, evaluation on more applications               [3] 2021. Cosine Similarity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosine_similarity.
paper7.pdf:11:conclusions in future, however, evaluation on more applications               [3] 2021. Cosine Similarity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosine_similarity.

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find . -name "*.pdf" -print0 | xargs -0 pdfgrep -i 'known.{1,3}and.{1,3}unknown'


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